My journey through this thing they call life

Archive for ‘June 5th, 2013’


So far all I managed to do is unbox the strobes and clean a portion of the house so that I have a place to store them ! I will need a lot more cleaning I am sure but not sure where this space is coming from but it looks like I will have to move out the ammo that is stored in the house into the safe but then it is a 110 outside! Grr… And the ammo was a part of the SHTF stock. Looks like I will have to start shootin’ more. Also I will have to clean more, incl the guns . I know I have not cleaned them in a long time. Maybe I can outsource the cleaning to my friends and they will help me out.

Well I could say that I need to shoot more for my camera too but this whole working 2 jobs bit is starting to hurt.  I have now neither the time to shoot nor the energy after all this working. The lack of energy and lack of time means that I don’t get to work out either and there is only so much that diet can do. I really need to do that as well. Thankfully my manorexic self has not been eating after five and that has helped slow the march of the fat cells all over my body I really think that getting to the gym will make a significant difference to my energy levels and help with my body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) addled brain.

And most importantly I seriously need to temper my crazy. ‘lets buy all this stuff plan’ which at last estimate means I will work every day for the next 4 months ! Ha ! While I have been enjoying work for now I know this is a sure fire recipe for disaster and I really need to slow down. I guess the more I repeat this the better a chance it has of sticking to my head.

Now excuse me I have to go stare at the tracking number.


Update 1: I don’t have enough tracking numbers to stare at ! I wonder if my backdrop is coming in. I should go find another tracking number !

Update 2: If I dont lose weight soon I will go broke since I have noticed my BDD addled brain goes shopping as a cheap endorphin fix when I feel low.  Point in case, this recent order from Arlington camera – a soft box and the speed ring adapter. I may just have to go into some kind of shock therapy. How many weeks was that 16 weekends or 32 8 hour shifts. Ah… fun !